Jeff Climbs Ancient Art

Last week my friend Jeff was climbing the Fisher Towers near Moab. The highlight was summiting Ancient Art, a distorted corkscrew pinnacle that hardly looks real. He said it was a "life changing experience". I liked the photos so much I thought I'd share them. Next year I'm going to climb it.

Climbing the Stolen Chimney approach route.

Jeff makes his way out the catwalk and is about to beach-whale himself onto the diving board.

Crawling along the diving board.

Climbing the face.

Moving around to the other face to continue up.

Pulling over a bulge.

Almost to the top.

Success! The summit cap is about the size of a large pizza and it wiggles.

A wider shot of the summit.

You may wonder why Jeff seemed so cautious (crawling in places he could have walked). It's because as you go out the catwalk you have a 500 foot shear drop to your left (see photo below - that white dot atop the pinnacle is a climber) and a merely 300 foot drop to your right. That's vertigo inducing exposure!

Here's the "Karate Kid" on another tower. Before he left I told him to do that pose on Ancient Art, but with the big exposure and tiny, loose summit he couldn't make his body do it. After seeing the photos, I can understand.

I've been working on another post about a climb I did in 2004 (with Jeff), but it's taken longer than I expected. I should have it up next week.

P.S. In biking news, I got out for a night ride up in the Orem foothills tonight. I continued to explore the new trail I rode last week (Blackbird, I believe). I also went for a road ride Wednesday at lunch. It's been nice to ride, thanks to this mild November weather.

Tomorrow Jolene and I are leaving early in the morning and driving to Moab for a quick ride on Slickrock and Sovereign. We just couldn't resist any longer.

1 comment:

Kevin Vigor said...

Aieee! That all looked fine and sane up until the wide shot. That is six kinds of crazy. You're going to do this, Kris? You've caught the loco, man.

// kevin, ground-lover.