Who Is This Todd Guy?

Todd has made some waves in the local cycling scene (most recently his sub 10 minute time trial run up Clark's trail in Draper), and since I've known him for a few years but most people haven't heard of him, I thought I'd offer my impressions.

I used to work with Todd at Linux Networx in Bluffdale. He's been cycling off and on since he was a kid. We had a cycling group at work and rode fairly regularly. Todd was always the strongest rider and often commuted 3-5 days a week, 15 miles each way, over Suncrest.

The last 2 years he has really stepped up his training (especially this Winter) and it shows - he can output some impressive watts. He's got a good climber build: light with big lungs.

He races for UtahMountainBiking.com and has moved from Sport to Expert and is considering the move to Pro. He's placed 1st, 2nd, and 4th in the three Expert Men 30-39 ICup races he's done this year.

He does some road races and crits. He's only Cat 4 right now, but only because he's slowed down by the upgrade system and doesn't have the time to race every points race. He took 2nd in the Cat 4 road race at Sea Otter and recently won the B flight crit at DMV. By ability I'd say he's easily Cat 2.

He's physically (genetically) gifted for cycling and trains hard so I'm not surprised he's winning races and moving up fast, but I was still shocked he got a sub 10 minute Clarks TT. But then I'm used to being amazed at what Todd can do on a bike. I don't doubt his time, I've never known him to lie.

He has a blog and posted about the Clarks TT run. Also read up on his other personal bests and the brutal training sessions he did over the winter.

He said it wasn't the best scenario for a TT, but still laid down that killer time. Some may take his "excuses" for bragging, but he's just telling it like it was. He probably shouldn't have put that stuff in there as it may ruffle some feathers. But since I know him I can vouch that he's not playing mind games or being cocky.

Todd's a nice guy who loves cycling. He's married with 2 kids (twins) and lives in Pleasant Grove.


Anonymous said...

But he doesn't like ice cream.

So he's got that going against him.

Eat Sleep MTB said...

Thanks Kris, you are too kind.

KanyonKris said...

Just the facts, with a few of my opinions mixed in.

Anonymous said...

Todd, I saw your name on the list for the HIgh Uinta Classic - Say hello as you blast past me :)